New BEST BARN FRIEND FOREVER needed. Forever is optional...
I met this girl when I responded to a Dreamhorse add. She had a Black and White pinto that had a trot as smooth as butter.
I remember the first time I went out to meet her at her barn I was so nervous she wanted whoever was going to buy her pony to take a lesson or two with the Barn owner to make sure it was a good fit. She was pretty attached to this pony.
I remember when I left that barn that night I cried because I thought I had found "THE ONE" but buyers remorse had set in a bit even before I decided to buy..then I received an E-mail the next day. I can't remember the wording but I think it was something like....'So Do you want her or not.'
I remember thinking....dang this girl is pushy. But what I didn't know at the time was she was selling "THE ONE" it was her one..and from that day on we have been friends. I have followed her from barn to barn because her research was impeccable and I always knew I could trust my pony anywhere she could trust hers.
But also because I liked her...But now she's leaving not only the barn but going to the Great White North. Alaska.
So I need someone to fill her shoes so if you think you're up for it then these are the requirements
1. Takes no Crap
2. Know's stuff about horses
3. Is always there no matter what with sugar cookies from McDonalds.
4. Answers dumb horse questions without making me feel like a dumb ass. (well at least most of the time)
5. Can gossip without judgement
6. Gets me
7. Plans silly girls night out and is the Designated Driver
8. Can pick up right where we left off after not having time to speak for days/weeks...
9. Will go to a horse shows and cheer me on from the stands or in the ring
10. Will pick me up and take me to the Canby Tack sale for the price of a Mocha
11. Can make unicorn cupcakes with glitter sprinkles...
So if you Think you can fill those shoes then step on up...
Jocelyn, you have been the best mentor a Green horse girl could have. You were there the first time I saw Grace, the first time I sat on Grace, our first show...
I guess this means it's time to put on my big girl panties and head out on my own...begrudgingly.
I hope Alaska brings you all the adventure you can can hadle. Know that you will forever have a spot in my heart...
So here's to you...Ride on Sister, and look out for moose and Grizzly bears.