Tonight I asked my BBFF to help me with some new exersizes to do with Grace to keep us engaged and not getting bored. She's been there done that with her pony Star and I really do respect the way she has trained her horse and the way she works...
So after a little ground work of disengaging her back legs when asked and doing well with that BBFF took her turn with Grace. She showed me how to get her to square up and get her to move front feet only to stretch out as well as moving JUST her hind end to square up...and being half Saddlebred getting her to start to parking out. It was actually alot of fun and Grace did great. She caught on really I think this spring and summer we may hit the open shows just for fun to see how she does...maybe even try our hand at some horsemanship...
Any suggestions would be great! I'm always up for ideas to keep from getting bored doing ground work.
Also I would love to know how you introduced the bit to your young horses...just getting them used to it. Tonight I tried the treat in hand with the bit in the same hand just to get her to be interested in the bit and not be afraid of it. I didn't push the issue it was just a short intro....
Thanks JP for being my BBFF and for taking the time to mentor me it means EVERYTHING!
And just a p.s. I wanted to say how thankful I am to my husband for giving me the time at the barn with encouragement...Even though he's not a Horse guy he let's me be a Horsie girl...
5 years ago
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