Things to do next time I'm at the barn..
1. Figure out how to get a bit in Gracies mouth. It's time.
2. Get some purty pictures for her new blog.
3. See my BBFF...haven't seen her in a week because of the nasty "Arctic Blast 2008"
4. Get caught up on all the barn gossip..
Okay so I guess I should introduce the players on this blog.
The STAR of the Blog - Light Affire aka Gracie
Lovable, gorgeous 2 1/2 year old National Show horse..registered half Arabian. She's BEAUTIFUL and she knows it.
Mom of 3, wife to my best friend, fur mom to 2 cats and a dog (I'm sure you'll hear about all of the above at some point)
STAR -BBFF to Grace

And you'll hear allot about my BBFF Star's mom....but I won't post a pic until I get the okay from her...
Oh and I can't forget to add my husband..non horsey person who supports my love affair with a furry 1000 lb four legged creature..Thanks babe Oh and here is a pic of him...hubba hubba

So now you know.....I'll post more pics of fur babies and real babies..soon. I hope make comments stop by when you can and enjoy my fumbles...
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